The Stuff that MattRs

Monday Motivation. Let this week be the one where we (re)discover our personal values. My step-by-step guide will take you through an exercise to refine a list of core values that will help drive goal-setting and productivity. 

Decisions. Three brilliant critical thinking tools. Learn these three tools, and you’ll be able to lean into any problem solving situation. Bonus Stuff. Your decision making toolkit keeps getting stronger. 

Productivity. Make time to do your best work. I love the way this article talks about the small things that you can do to get better every day, that's the spirit of this newsletter. 

Preparation. The danger of overpreparing. How to get started before you feel ready. Some great advice from the excellent Nesslabs. 

Problems. Some problems are easy to solve, others are difficult. Seth Godin explains which ones you should be working on. Bonus Stuff.  How convergent thinking can help you tackle tricky problems.   

Notifications. Email, WhatsApp, Chat, Calendar, Text Messages, Reminders. How do you deal with all the notifications you receive whilst working. Here’s some ways to stop you being distracted by them. 

Random Journal Prompt: Write about something that always makes you smile. From my prompts for Optimism.

Bonus Stuff. Try my 30 day Journalling Challenge.
man in black coat holding black metal candle holder
Photo by Museums Victoria / Unsplash

Wins. There is a lot to be happy about in the world, here’s some inspiration.  Ten wins you can take right now.  

Peace. Nineteen ways to protect your peace. Some excellent advice here,  #6 is useful (we spoke about here) and #16 is truly a game change (we covered that here)

Life. Twenty-two lessons on life and love. I love #4,  and #19 is the reason I keep writing this newsletter. 

PositivityHow you can use neuroscience to build yourself a more positive reality. Some great practical tips towards a more optimistic outlook. 

Breathing. Using a screen can affect your breathing. Screen apnea is impacting our breathing, here are some practical things we can do to avoid it. 

Finally. Battleships. Redesigned as a daily game. I played battleships a lot as a child, first on paper and then a plastic/electronic thingy - this is a great reminder of the game!

Have you tried FlowStuff? It's my ever growing and changing playlist of music for concentration and relaxation. 35 hours of mostly beatless and wordless music. You can follow along here.

πŸ”ˆ Stuff to Listen to...

🎧 This week, I'm recommending Qasr, a short EP from Sheherazaad - a performer composer from the US who produces a beautiful blend of electronica and South-Asian folk.

Woven around Hindi-Urdu poetic forms, are electronics and traditional instruments creating a gentle, meditative sound which is perfect to soothe our busy minds.

I suspect this is the start of something really interesting.

Highly recommended.

Stuff Someone Said (feel free to share)

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