

Dublin, Ireland Facebook X/Twitter

Dublin, Ireland. DJ, Flaneur, Aesthete. Meta, ex-LinkedIn, ex-MSFT.

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#210 - Hikea or Lower?

I'm looking at digital organisation, for career or personal life. How to develop your negotiation skills, and the illusion of productivity. We examine positivity, look at some reflections on life and how to handle some difficult emotions. Finally, we have some fun with Ikea.

Book: Never Split the Difference

I was looking to improve my negotiation skills, and my team at work recommended this great book from Chris Voss. I read it on my recent travels to India, and here are the notes I took along the way.

#209 - Limbo, daily.

We're laser focused on setting boundaries and protecting time as well as improving our active listening. I look at when time management was easy, and what confident people do. Then we look at contentment, great books and how to limbo, daily.

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