February Free Sites for you to Bookmark
You shouldn't have to pay to get access to useful tools, here are another 10 free sites that everyone should save.
Dublin, Ireland. DJ, Flaneur, Aesthete. Meta, ex-LinkedIn, ex-MSFT.
You shouldn't have to pay to get access to useful tools, here are another 10 free sites that everyone should save.
This week has been a difficult one at work, with more layoffs impacting my company, and many others in the tech industry. I used this framework to coach myself and others as they were dealing with the situation.
Number 2 in my book list of 2025 is some reading to prepare me for a forthcoming trip to Marrakech. I've been before, and this collection of short stories bought me back to a place I enjoy.
A look at focus, and a book review that will help everyone. Ten great questions to ask a difficult team member, and how to start a side hustle. Some happiness hacks, a security tip and a vintage video game!
Matts Week in Music - a weekly update on whats in my ears.
Every week, I share something I learned in the previous seven days.