Note - these are my notes, based on passages & themes that resonated with me. They are not intended as a comprehensive summary.

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Hytner knows what heโ€™s talking about. He's been a top executive and consultant, and has seen firsthand how leadership teams work, as well as what makes a good advisor.

Instead of focusing on the usual CEOs or presidents, the book looks at the key people just behind them. These are the advisors, deputies, and counsels who help leaders make smart choices and keep things running smoothly. 

Hytner explains that being a leader isn't about one person at the top doing everything alone. It's actually about a whole team, especially those who support and advise the leader.  This support helps a leader make good decisions, deal with complex challenges, and keep teams focused. 

The book shares examples to show how these behind-the-scenes players are key to a leaderโ€™s success.  They are the ones leaders trust, often handling sensitive information & situations. Only then giving advice that needs to be just right. They are the backbone that keeps the leadership stable and effective.

Hytner also gives actionable advice to anyone who wants to be good at these supporting roles. He talks about the skills needed, like emotional intelligence.  This is crucial because it helps consiglieri communicate well and influence others.

Besides being good with people, consiglieri also need to think strategically. They must manage relationships, give the right advice, and even handle crises calmly. They help plan the big moves the organisation needs to make.  And they ensure everything aligned, from resources to timing.

Hytner also discusses the challenges that come with being a consigliere, including dealing with power dynamics, staying authentic, and handling tough ethical questions

"Consiglieri: Leading from the Shadows" is more than a book about how to support a leader. It shines a light on the critical roles that make strong leadership possible. 

For anyone interested in or currently in a leadership role, this book is a valuable guide to being effective and respected.

Actionable Insights:

  • Embrace Your Role. Understand and embrace the influence and responsibility that comes with being a consigliere. This role is crucial in shaping decisions and strategies from behind the scenes.
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence.  To support and sometimes challenge a primary leader, a consigliere needs high emotional intelligence. Understanding your (and others) emotions is critical to manage interactions smoothly. 
  • Master the Art of Advice. Giving advice that can be readily accepted and implemented is an art. It requires tact, timing, and transparency.
  • Build Trust. Trust is the foundation of the consiglieri/leader relationship. Consiglieri must build and maintain trust through consistent, reliable actions. 
  • Stay Informed. A good consigliere stays informed about internal and external dynamics affecting the organisation. Staying informed enables you to provide valuable insights and make better decisions.
  • Be a Communication Bridge. Consiglieri act as a 'bridge' between the leader and other stakeholders. This involve sharing messages AND interpreting/contextualising them to ensure understanding.
  • Prepare to Step Up. Sometimes, consiglieri need to step into the leadership role temporarily or permanently. Be prepared by understanding the broader vision and operational mechanics of the organisation.
  • Encourage and Support Leadership Development. A consigliere also plays a crucial role in identifying and nurturing future leaders. A good consigliere also maintains a stable succession plan.

My Key Takeaways from 'Consiglieri'

  • Leadership Is a Team Effort. The success of a leader often depends on the strength and wisdom of their advisors.
  • Influence from Behind. True influence doesn't always come from the front, supporting roles are equally influential.
  • The Power of Soft Skills. Emotional intelligence and the ability to communicate effectively are vital for consiglieri.
  • Confidentiality is Key. Trust and discretion are non-negotiable for effective consiglieri.
  • Adaptability. Be prepared to fill different roles, including stepping into leadership when needed.
  • Understand the Big Picture. Keeping abreast of organisational and external affairs makes an advisor more impactful.
  • Foster Leadership. Help develop the next generation of leaders.
  • Stay Humble. The best consiglieri know that their role, while critical, serves the organisation and its mission.

'Consiglieri: Leading from the Shadows' is more than just a guide for the second-in-command. It is a testament to the vital roles that support and enable leadership. 

For anyone in or aspiring to these roles, this book offers good insight into how to perform them with skill, loyalty, and foresight.

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