Last week, I looked at Practical Tips to Stand out in an Interview, this week I'm looking at the best questions to ask when you are in an interview.

I've interviewed hundreds of people.

I'm often surprised that people do not have questions ready for me.  Asking great questions can be a signal that this is someone I want to hire.

I always leave time for questions, and it's the interviewees chance to find out more about the company AND the role.

I've compiled a list of SOME of the best questions to ask, and what to listen for to get the insights you need.

Company Culture and Values

1. Can you describe the company culture?

  • Why Ask: This helps you understand if you’ll fit in with the company’s environment.
  • Insight: You’ll learn about the company's values and work environment.  You can also find out how employees interact with each other.

2. How do you support work-life balance?

  • Why Ask: It’s important to know how the company values employees’ time.
  • Insight: You’ll get a sense of the company’s policies on working hours, remote work, and time off.

3. What are the company’s values, and how are they reflected in everyday work?

  • Why Ask: Understanding values helps you see if they align with your own.
  • Insight: You’ll see how the company values influence its operations and culture. Listen carefully to see if the response mirrors the research you’ve already done on company values.

4 How does the company handle feedback and performance reviews?

  • Why Ask: This is crucial for understanding how your work is evaluated.
  • Insight: You’ll learn about the frequency and format of feedback and reviews. Listen carefully for a fair and balanced performance process that supports growth, learning AND reward.

5. How long have you been with the company, and what keeps you here?

  • Why Ask: This personal question can reveal a lot about employee satisfaction.
  • Insight: You’ll get an insider’s view of the company’s strengths and areas for improvement. Listen for the amount of enjoyment that your interviewer takes from their role, this can be a good gauge of how the company treats employees.

6. What type of person is typically successful in this role OR What type of person is typically successful at this company?

  • Why Ask: This is an excellent way to understand what competencies are being looked for. 
  • Insight: You’ll be able to use this to tailor your responses in future interviews/questions.

Roles & Responsibilities

1. What does a typical day look like for this role?

  • Why Ask: To help you get a realistic view of the daily responsibilities.
  • Insight: You can assess if the daily tasks align with your skills and interests. You can also get a sense of the 'clock speed' of the company/team and how you'll fit in there.

2. What are the biggest challenges the team or company is facing right now?

  • Why Ask: This shows you are thinking about how you can contribute and how challenges are tackled.
  • Insight: You’ll understand the current issues and how you might help solve them. You can also get a feel for the honesty and transparency about the current situation.

3. How do you measure success in this role?

  • Why Ask: Knowing how success is measured helps you understand expectations.
  • Insight: You’ll get clarity on performance metrics and goals. Listen carefully to see if the hiring manager is clear about what success looks like.

4. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?

  • Why Ask: Understanding your potential teammates helps you see how you’ll fit in.
  • Insight: You’ll learn about team dynamics, roles, and personalities. If you listen carefully, you might be able to hear if there are any problems being managed, or whether this is a new team being established.

5. What tools and technologies does the team use?

  • Why Ask: Knowing the tools helps you understand the technical environment.
  • Insight: You’ll see if you’re familiar with the tools or if you’ll need training. You also might be able to use this to connect back to previous experiences, or prepare for the next interview.

Professional Development and Growth

1. What opportunities are there for professional development?

  • Why Ask: This shows you’re interested in growing with the company.
  • Insight: You’ll learn about training programs, career paths, and advancement opportunities. You’ll also learn if the hiring manager is focused on growing you, or filling the role.

2. Are there opportunities to work on special projects?

  • Why Ask: Shows you’re interested in contributing beyond your basic duties.
  • Insight: You’ll know if there are chances to work on exciting and challenging projects. Listen for whether there are opportunities to 'stretch' in the role, and whether the hiring manager supports that.

3. How does the company support continued education and learning?

  • Why Ask: Continuous learning is vital for career growth. Some companies will also support outside development or professional qualifications/accreditations. 
  • Insight: You’ll find out if the company invests in its employees’ development. This is a good sign of growth culture inside the company/team. 

4. Can you provide examples of how you have supported career progression?

  • Why Ask: This shows you’re serious about long-term growth in the role. 
  • Insight: You’ll see real examples of career advancement within the company. The best hiring managers will be able to share examples of how they have helped people develop their careers. Listen carefully to understand if the manager enjoys coaching and growing team members.

Management and Support

1. Can you describe the management style here?

  • Why Ask: Different management styles work better for different people. 
  • Insight: You’ll learn if the management style aligns with your preferred way of working.  You’ll also get a feel for whether the hiring manager has a style that works for you. 

2. How do you ensure diversity and inclusion in your team?

  • Why Ask: It’s important to work in a supportive and inclusive environment. 
  • Insight: You’ll learn about the manager (and the company’s) commitment to diversity and inclusion. Listen carefully to understand if your ideas will be listened to and acted upon. 

Future and process

1. What are the next steps in the interview process?

  • Why Ask: It shows you’re eager to move forward.
  • Insight: You’ll know what to expect and can follow up appropriately. If the next steps are unclear, you might be hearing a red flag.

2. Can you tell me about the onboarding process?  Or Can you tell me about the first 30/60/90 days?

  • Why Ask: A good onboarding process can make a big difference in your transition.
  • Insight: You’ll learn about the support you’ll receive when you start. Listen carefully to understand if the hiring manager has a clear plan and expectations about your first weeks in the role. 

3. What are the company’s plans for growth and development?

  • Why Ask: This shows your interest in the company’s future.
  • Insight: You’ll understand the company’s direction and how your role fits into it.

Final Question

Is there anything else I can tell you about myself or my career that will help you in your next steps? 

  • Why Ask:  This is great way to finish an interview, and let people know that you’re open to more questions. 
  • Insight:  Listen carefully to see if there is anything that you should highlight or develop in your next conversation for the role.

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