Conducting a mid-year review allows us to reflect on where we are. We can recognise our success, and identify any goals that are off course and adjust our plan accordingly.

Here's my step-by-step plan for a mid-year review and some suggestions to get back on track if things aren't as expected.

Step 1: Gather Your Goal-Setting Materials

Before you start your review, gather the materials related to your goal-setting process. This might include:

Having everything in one place will make the review process smoother.

Step 2: Reflect on the Past Six Months

Take a moment to think back on the past six months. Consider the following questions:

  • What were my main goals at the beginning of the year?
  • How much progress have I made towards each goal?
  • What successes have I experienced?
  • What challenges or obstacles have I faced?

Write down your reflections. This helps to clarify your thoughts and gives you a record to look back on in the future.

Step 3: Evaluate Your Progress

Next, check your progress for each goal. You can use a simple rating system, such as:

  • Achieved: The goal is complete.
  • On Track: You’re making good progress and should achieve the goal by the end of the year.
  • Needs Attention: You’re behind but still believe you can catch up.
  • Stalled/Off Track: You’ve made little to no progress, and it’s unlikely you’ll achieve the goal without significant changes.
My free goal setting template has these status fields in a drop-down menu.

Be honest with yourself. The purpose of this review is to understand where you stand, not to beat yourself up.

Step 4: Analyze Why Some Goals Aren’t On Track

For the goals that are in the “Need Attention” or “Stalled/Off Track” categories, dig deeper to understand why. Consider:

  • Were the goals realistic? Sometimes we set goals that are too ambitious given our current circumstances.
  • Were there unforeseen obstacles? Life can derail our plans.
  • Did you lose motivation? If so, why? Was the goal not as important to you as you thought?
  • Were there external factors? Other responsibilities can impact our ability to focus on certain goals.

Reflecting on the reasons behind your lack of progress can help you figure out what needs to change.

Step 5: Adjust Your Goals and Plan

Based on your analysis, decide how to adjust your goals and plans for the rest of the year. Here are some strategies:

  • Revise the goal. If the goal was too ambitious, scale it back to something more achievable.
  • Change your approach. If your current strategies aren’t working, try a different approach. For example, if you wanted to exercise more but can’t find time for the gym, try home workouts.
  • Set new deadlines: If you’ve fallen behind, set new, realistic deadlines.
  • Break it down: Break larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This can make them feel less overwhelming and easier to achieve.
  • Seek support: If you’re struggling, consider seeking help. This could be from a mentor, coach, friend, or online community.

Step 6: Create a Detailed Action Plan

For each goal, create a detailed action plan outlining the steps you need to take to get back on track. Include:

  • Specific actions. Clearly define what you need to do.
  • Deadlines. Set new realistic deadlines for each action step.
  • Resources needed. Identify any resources you need, such as tools, information, or support from others.
  • Potential obstacles. Anticipate any challenges you might face and how you’ll overcome them.

Writing down your action plan helps to clarify your path forward and makes it easier to stay focused.

Step 7: Recommit to Your Goals

After revising your goals and creating your action plan, take a moment to recommit to your goals.

Remind yourself why you set these goals in the first place and how achieving them will benefit you.

Visualize your success and how it will feel. This can help reignite your motivation and determination.

Step 8: Track Your Progress Regularly

Going forward, make it a habit to track your progress regularly.

This could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on what works best for you. I put a calendar entry in once per month to check my personal goals sheet and see where I can.

Regular tracking allows you to see how you’re doing and make adjustments as needed.

Use tools like journals, apps, or spreadsheets to keep a record of your progress.

Step 9: Celebrate Your Successes

Don’t forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small.

Celebrating milestones along the way can boost your motivation and make the journey more enjoyable. Treat yourself to something special or share your achievements with friends or family.

What to Do If Things Aren’t Going as Expected

Even with the best intentions and planning, things don’t always go as expected. Here’s what to do if you find yourself struggling:

1. Reassess and Adjust

Don’t be afraid to reassess and adjust your goals and plans. Life is dynamic, and it’s important to be flexible.

If a goal no longer aligns with your priorities or circumstances, it’s okay to change it or let it go.

2. Seek Support

Reach out for support if you’re struggling. Talk to a friend, family member, mentor, or coach.

Sometimes an outside perspective can provide valuable insights and encouragement.

3. Focus on What You Can Control

Concentrate on the aspects of your goals that are within your control.

Let go of things you can’t change and focus your energy on what you can do.

4. Stay Positive and Persistent

Maintain a positive mindset and keep pushing forward. Be relentless and focused.

Progress may be slow, but persistence is key. Remember that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and they don’t define your overall success.

5. Be Kind to Yourself.

It is easy to get discouraged if things aren’t going as planned - but self-criticism can be counterproductive.

Acknowledge your efforts, forgive yourself for any missteps, and keep moving forward.


A mid-year review is a good opportunity to reflect on your progress.

You can celebrate your achievements, and make adjustments to stay on track. By following these steps, you can ensure that you’re making the most of the year and moving closer to your goals.

Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress.

Keep pushing forward, stay flexible, and believe in your ability to achieve great things.

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