In the last two weeks, I’ve shared ways that delegation can help you handle urgent and less important tasks.   This week, I’m looking into how you can improve your delegation skills. 

Delegation is not only about assigning tasks.

It is an art that when mastered can have a win/win benefit. Effective delegation can boost productivity and morale for you and your team. If you are a seasoned leader, or a newcomer to management, delegation skills are crucial. 

I've captured some practical suggestions that will make your delegation more effective. 

Understand Your Team's Strengths and Weaknesses.  Each team member has unique strengths and weaknesses.  Understanding these, and aligning tasks to skills and growth areas is a powerful tool.  You can ensure that tasks land in capable hands and also build a sense of trust and development. 

Set Clear Objectives and Expectations.  One common pitfall in delegation is the lack of clear objectives. It's not enough to hand off a task. You need to communicate what success looks like. Be specific about the outcomes you expect or guidelines to be used. Be very specific about deadlines and the format of outputs. Clear delegation helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures results that meet your expectations.

Provide the necessary resources. Imagine asking someone to paint a picture but not giving them any paint or brushes. That's what happens when tasks are delegated without the necessary resources.  Ensure your team has access to tools, information and support they need to complete the task.  This may involve training, resources or simply being available to answer questions.

Empower with autonomy, but offer support. Delegation is not just about offloading tasks; it's about empowering your team. Once you've assigned a task, give the person the autonomy to approach it in their own way. This autonomy fosters creativity and ownership. However, make it clear that you're available for guidance and support. This balance between independence and support encourages responsibility. 

Establish a feedback loop. After a task is completed, take the time to discuss what went well and what could improve. This feedback loop is invaluable for personal and professional growth. Encourage your team members to provide feedback on your delegation skills. Perhaps they need more clarity, resources, or support. This open dialogue ensures continuous improvement for both parties.

Extend Agency. True delegation goes beyond tasks. Where appropriate you can look to delegate decision making as well. This doesn’t mean you should relinquish control of all decisions. Instead, identify areas where team members can have agency to make some decisions. Set clear guardrails that support autonomy. This process will build confidence and develop leadership skills, whilst also freeing more of your time. 

Recognise and Reward Effort. Recognition goes a long way in motivating and encouraging your team. Make time to acknowledge the hard work and success of those you've delegated tasks to. This can be as simple as a thank-you note, public recognition, or reward for significant achievement. Celebrating successes boosts morale and reinforces the value of their contributions.

Key Tips

  1. Understand Strengths: Match tasks with team members' skills and interests.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Define success with specific outcomes, deadlines, and standards.
  3. Equip with Resources: Ensure access to necessary tools, information, and support.
  4. Balance Autonomy and Support: Allow independence while being available for guidance.
  5. Build Feedback Loops: Foster a culture of giving and receiving feedback on tasks.
  6. Delegate Decision-Making: Empower team members with decision-making authority where possible.
  7. Acknowledge Efforts: Recognize and reward team members' hard work and achievements.
  8. Develop Skills Through Delegation: Use delegation as a tool for growth and development.
  9. Track Progress Respectfully: Monitor tasks without micromanaging. Balance of oversight and freedom.
  10. Reflect and Improve: Continuously learn from each delegation to refine and enhance skills.


Effective delegation is both an art and science. It requires understanding of your team, clear communication, and the right balance of autonomy and support.  

Leverage these techniques to enhance productivity AND develop a motivated and capable team. 

Remember, the goal of delegation is not only to get the work done but to do so in a way that benefits everyone involved.

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