Recommended Music
My recommendation this week is the new album from Pye Corner Audio, called 'Where things are Hollow: No Tomorrow' - this is an excellent double album of really listenable electronica from Martin Jenkins.
Starting out from the Black Mill Tapes through to this latest collection, Pye Corner has been delivering high quality synth driven music that explores ambient, techno and even hauntology in places.
Definitely worth a listen.
Recommended Watching
We've been slowly working through Toxic Town on Netflix this week, with a host of UK stars including the excellent Jodie Whittaker, Robert Carlyle and Rory Kinnear.
The four part series tells the story of a cluster of birth defects that affected children born in Corby (UK) in the 1990's. The local steel work was being decommissioned and ground water became contaminated with heavy metals.
The performances are great here and the story by the brilliant Jack Thorne is top notch.
Highly Recommended.
Listened Stuff
Here's ten artists I have listened to this week...
- Doves
- Public Service Broadcasting
- Marlon Williams
- Shida Shahabi
- Sharon Van Etten & Attachment Theory
- Pye Corner Audio
- Chris Eckmann
- Fink
- Will Saul
- Aphex Twin
Vinyl Additions
The previousl mentioned album from Saba Alizadeh arrived this week.
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