Hey from Dublin,

This week, I asked an AI to write me an intro to the newsletter, and frankly it's probably better than my own.   Here's how ChatGPT would welcome you...

Welcome to Stuff, a weekly newsletter that brings you the most curious and interesting things from around the internet.
Each week, I scour the web to find the most fascinating tidbits of information, the strangest news stories, and the most mind-boggling facts.
Whether you're a trivia buff, a history buff, or just someone looking for something to make you smile, Stuff has something for you.  So, sit back, relax, and let me do the digging for you – you're about to discover some truly amazing stuff.

That was generated in a split second, writers and journalists everywhere should be looking over their shoulders!

If you're enjoying Stuff, I'd ♥️ if you would hit 'forward' and share this with a friend, if not hit 'reply' and tell me how I can make Stuff better for you.  

As always - thanks for being here - it's great to have you join me each week! If you received this from an amazing friend, get your own copy here.

The Stuff30 Journaling Challenge
Getting started with a journal can be tricky, I have you covered with 30 days of simple prompts, directly to your inbox.
Introducing the Stuff30 - a simple journaling challenge. Join me for 30 days of prompts to kick start your daily journaling. 

The Stuff Ten

  1. Monday Motivation:   You will have experienced flow state before, the perfect sense of fluidity where you get stuff done, without distraction.  Let this week be the one where you build your Flow State skills.   There are techniques that will help you, sound based apps and even a daily email of playlists.
  2. Your new superpower:  Do you ever think you are being lied to? There are practical techniques to help you get to the truth.  It's all about asking the best questions.
  3. Essential Reading:  You will NEVER be stuck for what to say again, this tool will help you find the right phrase for the right time in ANY situation.
  4. Take care: A brilliant explanation of how procrastination and anxiety go hand-in-hand, and what you can do to break the loops.  Bonus Stuff - nine practical tips for dealing with anxiety.
  5. TWIL:  Sometimes forgetfulness is really good for your memory.  Even the boss gets forgetful.
  6. The best of 2022:  Time Magazine pulls together a list of the 200 best inventions of the year, there is some incredible innovation in here.   Although, none are quite as good as the noggin boss! (yep - I want one)
  7. 37 hours for War and Peace:  This very clever site will tell you how long the average reader (250wpm) takes to read a book.  Do you think you are faster than 250wpm? Then take a test.
  8. Indonesian psyche-funk? This tool lets you search and filter through last.fm's top 30,000 artists of all time and play the top track for every artist. Great discovery tool for odd music!
  9. Viva Magenta:   Introducing the Pantone Colour of the Year for 2023.  It 'vibrates with vim and vigour'.
  10. Finally:  Credit to regular reader JC who told me about Wafflegame - a simple daily word game with a great twitter account of stats.

🎧 Aural Stuff

What's on the Stuff speakers this week? 

To Scotland this week, and to the fertile mind of one of my favourite artistes.  Aidan J Moffatt has produced music under multiple guises, including Arab Strap, Lucky Pierre and his own name.

This time, he returns with a second album under the name Nyx Nótt - an instrumental/ambient project.  'Themes From' is the follow up to 'Au Pieds de la Nuit' which was recorded during lockdown, using mainly a laptop and headphones.

The second album has a bit of a twist, imagining music that would accompany generic TV shows, Docudrama, Thriller, Caper and Porno.  Beautifully constructed to match the mood of these make believe programmes.

I absolutely love the sound here, exquisitely written and produced.  My vinyl is on the way, but for now I'll make do with the stream.

Stuff someone said

"Knowing who we are is hard. Eliminate who we’re not first, and we’ll find ourselves where we need to be." - Matthew McConaughey

If you ever need an Icebreaker for a meeting, check out The Questions: it's my free pile of random questions to kick start your conversations.

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