A big welcome to new readers this week, I'm very pleased to meet you!

My goal is to help you get the best out of yourself. Each week, I seek out great content to support our personal growth. I’ll couple that with some links that I know you’ll find interesting AND my regular monthly mixtape.

Elsewhere, you can find my daily notes here, and I’m posting on Threads as well.

Thanks for joining me - now, onto the list!

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Monday Motivation. Let this week be the one where you level up your feedback game. The Situation, Behaviour, Impact framework is a simple to use model that can help you deliver high quality feedback to anyone. Mastering Feedback with the SBI model has practical guidance AND examples of how to use this powerful tool..

Words27 words that you should never use to describe yourself. We all know that words are powerful, but using these ones can have a negative impact. 

Self-Motivation. How to stay curious and committed, a self-motivation toolkit from the excellent Ness Labs. The explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation came up this week at work, and is a useful framework for understanding yourself, as well as others.

Interviews. How to do a practice interview that actually works. I’ve done lots of practice interviews for people, and helped them refine skills ahead of the day.  These are great tips to bear in mind. 

Happiness. I think I’m happier than I’ve ever been in life, many of the reasons are included in this excellent article from Scott Young.  I also like the points raised in this interview with a happiness expert.   Which kind of happiness are you?

Positivity. How changing your mindset could change your life. Some sensible, expert backed advice on ways to change your outlook. 

Random Journal Prompt: What are some ways you can improve your current relationships? Over 550 more journal prompts here.
assorted numbers photography
Photo by Nick Hillier / Unsplash

Life. Life doesn’t have to be 100% grind. Learn how to have a softer life, with practical advice on finding a new balance.   At the very least, learn about β€˜festina lente’, the Roman Emperor art of making haste, slowly. 

Numbers. A searchable database of the important numbers from Biology.  Including the 0.1second eye-blink, and the average number of hairs on a human head. 

Slang.  When i was a child, I loved this dictionary of slang (and naughty words). Now, someone has put together this beautiful site that documents English language slang. 

Surfing. The elusive 100ft wave.  Awesome video of the best surfing spot in the world. 

Music. Listen to Wikipedia make sweet music. A simple site that plays a tone every time that a wikipedia edit is made. Odder and more beautiful than it seems. 

Finally. Weird things that have been captured on Google Maps.  No game here, just strange things that have happened by the side of the road.

My mammoth 2024 playlist has fantastic tunes added every day. You can follow along here.

πŸ”ˆ Stuff to Listen to...

🎧 This week's aural treat is my monthly mixtape, comprised of tunes that have cross my radar during April.

I've got some classic rocksteady ska, some soul classics and tunes fresh from the dancefloor. I couple it with some Dublin indie rock, Ethiopian jazz grooves from Belgium and a slice of experimental Austrian film music.

Stuff Someone Said (feel free to share)

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