Welcome to a new week. A big thank you to new travellers on our joint journey of curiosity. Please recommend me to your friends, the more the merrier!

Each week, I seek out great content to support our personal growth. I’ll couple that with some links that I know you’ll find interesting. Elsewhere, you can find my daily notes here, and I’m posting on Threads as well.

Thanks for joining me - now, onto the list!

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Monday Motivation. Let this week be the one where you level up on your job interview skills. I’m starting to interview for some new roles at work, and I thought I would capture some of the practical tips I give for nervous interviewees. Even if you are super experienced, I hope some of these will refresh your memory. 

Feedback. Why something so important to growth seems so scary.  The % of people that struggle to give feedback is very high. I have some help available for you here, with the SBI model.  I coach this frequently and find it a powerful enabler to get past the fear of feedback.   

Stakeholders. How to manage your boss, and their boss.  Some brilliant advice for ‘managing upwards’, keeping those people happy is key to survival and success.  Here’s some more practical advice for dealing with your boss. 

Lazy. Eleven great productivity tips, if you just cannot be bothered.  The headline might be funny, but the tips are excellent. 

Resilience. How to succeed when things get tough.  I love the idea of being more ‘tigger than eyeore’ when you are faced with adversity. 

Freedom. The four freedoms that we want at work.  Does your job give you these? 

Random Journal Prompt: Describe a recent adventure or new experience you had. Over 650 more journal prompts here.
grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign
Photo by Kristina Flour / Unsplash

Silence. I turn the radio down when I’m trying to find a parking space, I never understood why until I read this article. It turns out the silence affects the way that you make decisions. 

Comfort. Is it time to leave your comfort zone? They say that life begins at the end your comfort zone, there are some simple steps to begin pushing yourself. 

Smart. Smart words from Smart people. Some excellent counsel included here. 

Travel. I was researching for an article on travel advice.  Turns out a few people have beaten me to it.  One great list of obvious travel advice.  And this list, of your new favourite travel advice. I still have some ideas, I’ll get onto that soon. 

Rules. 100 great rules to live life by. #4, #80 and #95 are particularly good rules. 

AI. Suno is a fascinating toy.  Sign up (free) and give the AI a prompt, in seconds it will create a passable song (with words) from scratch.  I asked for an (on brand) ‘sad synth song about a distant lover, set in the winter.’ and this is what it came up with.  

Finally. Another fiendish word game that you can play every day.  Four Word Grid is exactly what it says, you have a limited number of turns to unscramble the grid. 

My mammoth 2024 playlist has fantastic tunes added every day. You can follow along here.

🔈 Stuff to Listen to...

Hermanos Gutiérrez announce new album 'Sonido Cósmico' – Easy Eye Sound

🎧 This week, my musical recommendation is 'Sonido Cosmico' by Swiss Latin instrumental band 'Hermanos Gutierrez'.

I'm on a month-long discovery of new (to me) music, and this was in my recommendations list on Spotify. Since finding it, I've fallen in love with its relaxed guitar vibes.

Simple tunes that sound like they could be folk music, made modern - and the 'cosmic' label is not lost in the gentle psychedelia of this album.

I particularly like the sunshine feel of this album. Highly recommended

If you have any recommendations of music that might feel a bit off the beaten track - be sure to hit 'reply' or comment below on the site and let me know what I should be listening to.

Stuff Someone Said (feel free to share)

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