This Weeks Stuff: ✅ Solve Problems Faster | ✅ Seize Ownership | ✅ Make Friends with Failure | ✅ Nail Public Speaking | ✅ Reclaim your Life | ✅ Thoughts on Turning 40 | 🐓 368 Chickens

🔥 Key Stuff : Solve Problems Faster

The Five Whys Technique will help get you to the root cause of a issue quickly, and propel your problem solving.

  • Five Whys is a technique invented by Toyota to resolve issues quickly.
  • You can use Five Whys for both professional and personal challenges to improve efficiency and decision-making.

💪🏼 Seize Ownership

Taking ownership of problems and opportunities is guaranteed to power-up your career. (via Atlassian)

🤜🏼 Make Friends with Failure

When we fear failure we play small and safe. Learn to embrace failure and we may even be able to laugh at it. (via LinkedIn, thanks JG)

🎤 Nail Public Speaking

The confidence to present something to an audience can turbo charge your personal brand. (via Harvard Professional and Executive Development)

  • Ten tips that will help you conquer your anxiety and deliver a pitch perfect presentation.
  • Superb advice on how to prepare and practice for your big moment.

💡 Reclaim your Life

Simone Stolzoff shows what it takes to reclaim your time and sense of meaning beyond the office. (8 minute video via TED Talk)

  • Some practical advice on redrawing the lines between work and life, and what this means for our identity.

🎂 Thoughts on turning 40

Life 'milestones' generate insights and wisdom that we may not otherwise see.

  • Some great nuggets on work, life, relationships and more.
  • #6, #12 and #36 are particularly resonant.

🐓 368 Chickens

Finally - simple, infuriating. My record is 219 so far. Can you beat me?

My Week in Media

Music from Pye Corner Audio, some top-notch TV from Netflix and more:

Random Journal Prompt: Journal what day-to-day stress is keeping you stuck. From JournalBot
Elsewhere: More insights and updates on my Website, follow me on Instagram, Threads and Bluesky for the social updates.
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