This Weeks Stuff: ✅ Beat Procrastination Now | ✅ Calm your Inner Critic | ✅ Balance Work & Life | ✅ The Benefits of Laziness | ✅ Be Happier Now | ✅ Start a Personal Archive | 🔗 Slow Roads
🔥 Key Stuff : Beat Procrastination Now
A ten step checklist that will help you tackle procrastination and get anything done.
- Ten simple steps that will help you push past resistance.
- Five minutes now will save you hours in the future.
🧠 Calm your Inner Critic
A psychologist explains how to work with your critical voices. (via The Good Trade)
- No-one would speak to a friend the way that we speak to ourselves.
- Using self-compassion, loving kindness, and non-judgmental language will help.
⚖️ Balance Work & Life
Eight inspiring leaders explain how they balance work & life, and create a more equitable workplace for everyone. (via Indeed)
- Intentionality is a common thread through all of these insights.
- I love the No Triangles principle mentioned in here.
🛌 The Benefits of Laziness
Why being a lazy person can be good for you. (via Nesslabs)
- Lazy solutions to problems can be some of the smartest.
- Anne-Marie Le Cunff shares the ten benefits of being lazy.
🎈 Be Happier Now
Neuroscience reveals three tricks that will make you happier. (via Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
- Understanding how habituation impacts your thinking can be a key factor in being happy.
- These three tips will help you fond more happiness in your day.
📘 Start a Personal Archive
You need somewhere to put all the stuff you are trying to remember. (via Cultish Creative)
- You carry and process a huge amount information, every day.
- The tool is not important, its the principle.
🛣️ Slow Roads
Finally - a beautiful, zen driving experience where you can change your scenery and relax as you mosey along.
My Week Elsewhere
Recommended Music, Movies and an update on my Coaching Journey
Member discussion