This Weeks Stuff: ✅ Beat Procrastination Now | ✅ Calm your Inner Critic | ✅ Balance Work & Life | ✅ The Benefits of Laziness | ✅ Be Happier Now | ✅ Start a Personal Archive | 🔗 Slow Roads

🔥 Key Stuff : Beat Procrastination Now

A ten step checklist that will help you tackle procrastination and get anything done.

  • Ten simple steps that will help you push past resistance.
  • Five minutes now will save you hours in the future.

🧠 Calm your Inner Critic

A psychologist explains how to work with your critical voices. (via The Good Trade)

  • No-one would speak to a friend the way that we speak to ourselves.
  • Using self-compassion, loving kindness, and non-judgmental language will help.

⚖️ Balance Work & Life

Eight inspiring leaders explain how they balance work & life, and create a more equitable workplace for everyone. (via Indeed)

  • Intentionality is a common thread through all of these insights.
  • I love the No Triangles principle mentioned in here.

🛌 The Benefits of Laziness

Why being a lazy person can be good for you. (via Nesslabs)

  • Lazy solutions to problems can be some of the smartest.
  • Anne-Marie Le Cunff shares the ten benefits of being lazy.

🎈 Be Happier Now

Neuroscience reveals three tricks that will make you happier. (via Barking Up the Wrong Tree)

  • Understanding how habituation impacts your thinking can be a key factor in being happy.
  • These three tips will help you fond more happiness in your day.

📘 Start a Personal Archive

You need somewhere to put all the stuff you are trying to remember. (via Cultish Creative)

  • You carry and process a huge amount information, every day.
  • The tool is not important, its the principle.

🛣️ Slow Roads

Finally - a beautiful, zen driving experience where you can change your scenery and relax as you mosey along.

My Week Elsewhere

Recommended Music, Movies and an update on my Coaching Journey

Random Journal Prompt: What expectations or pressures can I release? From JournalBot
Elsewhere: More insights and updates on my Website, follow me on Instagram, Threads and Bluesky for the social updates.
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