

Every Monday I share tips to help you and your career. It's the most marvellous thing in your inbox every week!

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Stuff #127 - all clear, all beautiful

It's time to define your Chronotype and tailor your days accordingly. I look at 19 rules from the OG Stoic, and learn about Chicken in the US. Also did you know how Periwinkle got its name?

Stuff #126 - I can do that Dave...

This week I look at the potential benefits of being just a little bit lazy, and ways to conquer your FOMO. There are also some ways to reduce anxiety, and the impact of sitting down all day. I continue my look at AI tools, as well as sending you all to space.

Stuff #125 - 2802 weeks so far!

This week from London, I'm looking at ways to network even when you are remote, and improvements you can make to your difficult 1:1's. There is a new Stuff Mixtape, some Binaural Beats and the most beautiful streets in the world.

Stuff #124

It's time to slow down, just a little bit and maybe have some fun in your life. There are rules for everything, and benefits of waking up earlier. I look at The Last Supper in detail, and learn about flags.

Stuff #122 - The Sun is God

An essential tool for your growth, as well as a strategy to protect your time. I look at efficient ways to improve your posture and health, as well as taking a tour around a gallery. Finally - we abduct humans.

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