

Every Monday I share tips to help you and your career. It's the most marvellous thing in your inbox every week!

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Stuff #112 - honeycrisp or gala?

Settling the debate about the best apple, and helping everyone work on their resilience. Alongside the latest issue of the Stuff Mixtape, Contronyms and Sacred Focus, it's a jackpot issue of Stuff.

Stuff #111 - no more very

We're looking at how to deal with a difficult person, and develop skills for navigating uncertainty. There are ideas for how to handle the transition to fall/winter, as well as how to write a story with the help of some clever AI AND find every national park in the world!

Stuff #110 - My name is bunny...

The road to becoming an expert, some essential skills around problem statements, core values and the importance of not being a jerk to yourself. I also look at the best countries in the world, the birth of a gold bunny and some amazing Comedy Wildlife Photography.

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