16th August - Top of Mind

  • Like a lot of people, I gently mourned the end of the Olympics, but I’m looking forward to the Paralympics which start on 28th August.  I found it frustrating that they made such a big deal of sending the flag to LA for 2028 - I’d like to see them keep the flag and flame for the Paralympic event in the same place, and THEN have a closing ceremony. 
  • Monday was made more bearable by the return of ‘Quizzy Monday’ in the UK - where one of the main channels shows three quiz games in a row.  Even better, straight afterwards on BBC4, they showed a 1974 episode of Call my Bluff which was great to see.  I learned this week that the original Call My Bluff ran for over 1000 episodes. 
  • On Wednesday, I was asked to do some public speaking/hosting of an all-hands at work. It reminded me how hard it is to do that, but how thrilling it is when things go well. 
  • What I’m working on.  This weekend, I’m going to reboot my 28-day gratitude challenge, and I have a massive list of new ideas for content on my site which I am trying to get organised. 

Till next week,

Inspired by Giles Turnbull - Doing Weeknotes

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