23rd August - Top of Mind

  • Sunday Cinema trip to see Kneecap, which was excellent. The story of an Irish language rap group from West Belfast.  Excellently made, with some great live music scenes.  My first five-star film foir a long while. 
  • Four-day work week as we travelled to Valencia for a wedding, followed by a week of vacation.  Here in València the weather is super warm and we are staying in a farmhouse with limited aircon. That said, we’re having fun and looking forward to the big party today. 
  • I learned a new 'law' today - No fiesta, sin siesta...
  • Dublin Airport is surprisingly busy at 4.30am! I’ll be seeing a lot of it over the next couple of months. 

What I’m working on. Finished rebooting my Journalling Challenge - and I’m working on another challenge type series for the site.  

Till next week,

Inspired by Giles Turnbull - Doing Weeknotes

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