30th August - Top of Mind

Hey from Spain!

  • Enjoying a week of vacation, as always, I find myself wrestling between resting and doing things I know I’d enjoy getting done. Hopefully, I’m finding the right balance. 
  • Discovered an Oreo flavoured Coke Zero in the supermarket - bought a single can, but haven’t worked up the courage to try it yet!
  • Have managed to catch a little bit of the paralympics on the TV here - superb athletes again, and some exciting competition.
  • Am loving the new Nick Cave album, Wild Gods released today. Have given it a full listen, and I think it's going to be a heavy rotation over the next days.  

Next Week - working from here in Spain, which is always a good compromise - and I have a big list of content to develop for the site. 

Till next week,

Inspired by Giles Turnbull - Doing Weeknotes

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