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Pigeon House Power Station

As part of the Dublin Open House festival (openhouse.ie), we took a walk to the Pigeon House Power station. This abandoned Victorian power station is behind a fence for most of the year but with the Open House, we had access to the building, and some unique views of...

Galway & Connemara, Ireland

A couple of nights in Galway, coupled with a driven loop of Connemara - one of the most beautiful areas I've had the pleasure of visiting. Squeezed in a quick trip to Kylemore Abbey, situated in Kylemore pass - a Victorian house, convent and once upon a time,...

Changing Man

There has been a lot of change around here. In the last seven months, I've turned 50, got a new job, sold my house and moved country.   In a sentence, it doesn't look much, but I suspect that a therapist would talk about 'life changes&...

Miracles do happen

I ran five kilometres this morning. Four months ago I couldn't run for a minute. I used to visit the gym two or three times a week, repeat twenty or thirty minutes of cardio. Sure, I'd be sweaty and puffed out, but I couldn't...

Couch to 5km - lessons for beginners

I'm over halfway through the Couch to 5km programme [https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/couch-to-5k-week-by-week/], it's the first time I have undertaken a fitness challenge like this one. I'm not a natural runner, so it has taken some effort to get here, but...

Ditching your smartphone - is it for you?

I've written before about digital detox, and the benefits that reducing electronic clutter and dependence on devices has had on my productivity, and mental health. This weekend, I was interested to read a story that started in the tabloids about Simon Cowell, who has reportedly given up his...

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